Web Design, Programming, and Business

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Hot Pepper Sauce

This is my second batch and this time I’ve written down the recipe. It’s really spicy but has a terrific flavor so is great for super hot wings but also terrific for adding kick to a salsa or to eggs. 1c Rooster Spur hot pepper (you can use other peppers as well but these have a great flavor to go with the heat – you can find seeds at reimerseeds.com/rooster-spur-hot-peppers...

WordPress Automatic Updates: False Sense of Security

WordPress 3.7 ushered in automatic updates. We all sighed with relief and the satiating knowledge that our WordPress sites were forevermore safe and secure.  Beer tabs cracked, colleagues slapped each other on the back, and a new world of internet security was ushered in. If only this daydream was true! The WordPress automatic updates do promote better security, but they’re only incremental...

Google’s Material Design Iconic Font

Google recently updated their Material Design specification with the added bonus of the new Material Design Iconic Font. These are free to use under the Creative Common Attribution 4.0 International License (CC-BY 4.0). This means you can do just about anything you’d like with these icons (Google would enjoy having attribution it isn’t necessary). The icons are available to you in a number of...

WordPress Vulnerabilities

That little fox you see above…just think of him as the sneaky, malicious hackers that are trying to get into your website to wreak havoc. You’ve heard us say it here, and you will probably hear us say it again at some future date beyond today: keeping your WordPress installation and plugins up to date is a critical part of owning and maintaining your website. WordPress accounts for 23...

Shopify Cheatsheet

I was just working on a Shopify site with a partner and I again referenced this handy Shopify Cheatsheet. Since I’m repeat visitor, I have to share this resource. cheat.markdunkley.com
Thank you Mark!

Keynote for the 2015 BSU Appathon

This Friday is the 4th annual Boise State University Appathon! I’ll be delivering the keynote address, talking about the design fundamentals and how they apply to mobile app design. After that, student programmers and entrepreneurs will team up to build mobile apps and compete within a 48-hour timeframe for cash prizes and fun! Here’s an image that outlines what I’ll be talking...

The Value of a Soft Launch

To soft launch or hard launch, that is the question! To which you may say, “Hold on a second there buster! That is not the question. The question, the FIRST question, is what is a soft , or for that matter, a hard  launch?” Yes, but of course! In the most general sense: A soft launch is often used by a company when it seeks to release its product or service without a lot of fan fare...

Bacon, Glorious Bacon: Perfect for Mockups!

Who doesn’t love bacon? Ok, lots of people but I certainly love it. I’ve been using the bacon filler text for years thanks to Bacon Ipsum. The old standby for wireframes and design mockups is to use “Lorem Ipsum” but I find that Bacon Ipsum is much tastier. You can copy their filler text into your designs but they now have a few additional options that you may not know...

Keeping Your WordPress Site Secure

If you work with websites then you’re well aware of the necessity of keeping your sites up to date and secure. 2014 has been a record year for malicious hacks when it comes to the wide world of the web. It seems every other day we’re reading about another major business or retailer whose site has been compromised. Whether you’re maintaining a massive site for a world wide...

The Top Three Methods for Consuming RSS Feeds

It has been well over a year since Google Reader said goodbye. While many of us have moved on to brighter RSS Feed Reader pastures some of us may just be getting around to searching out a great new RSS Feed Reader. What makes a great RSS Feed reader? Simplicity of use, ease of subscription transfer, mobile and web readiness are a few items that come to mind. We recently spent some time...

Web Design, Programming, and Business

Meet Aaron Day

Professionally building websites since 2002, I've worked at Microsoft, multiple agencies, and a few web design businesses of my own, including White Whale Web, a Boise-based web development agency. Previously, I was an owner of Thrive Web Designs from 2015 to 2022. I've taught classes, run design groups and even ran a benefit auction for 4 years in my free time. I love sharing and giving back to the web/creative community.

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