As a recession looms near, this guide will help you weather the storm and build a better business. Focus on building a cash reserve, decreasing your expenses, strengthening your relationships, refining your business offering, and continued marketing. While these are always good rules for a thriving company, they are even more important now. How did we get here? Our economy has had tremendous...
Redesign: A Whole New Look…
And refocus on where I am now! The old website was centered on my client work and the business. Since I joined with Josh at Thrive Web Designs (joint owners), it’s time to reclaim into one of my personal passions: sharing my knowledge and promoting the web design space. You can read more about me on my About page but you’ll notice that I don’t even include this...
Keynote for the 2015 BSU Appathon
This Friday is the 4th annual Boise State University Appathon! I’ll be delivering the keynote address, talking about the design fundamentals and how they apply to mobile app design. After that, student programmers and entrepreneurs will team up to build mobile apps and compete within a 48-hour timeframe for cash prizes and fun! Here’s an image that outlines what I’ll be talking...