What was it that brought you to web design and development?
For many of us it was the energy and excitement of creating the most optimal, visually stunning solutions to a visitor interface and subsequently bringing that to life with code. For some, it was solely visual creation – stunning graphical elements and mock-ups, code be damned.
Either way, as web designers and developers we spend many hard earned hours bringing the visions and missions of our clients to fruition. Like yourself, we find great satisfaction in these endeavors. Though sometimes the day in and day out efforts necessary to accomplish the goals of your clientele will find you neck deep in repetitive coding.
Here at ABD web design, we believe it’s always beneficial to remind yourself about the playful, purely creative aspects of web design and development. Whether it be taking the time each week to work on something of your own solely for the creative enjoyment or finding inspiration in the creative play of others.
Today we wanted to point you toward some CSS wizardry that we thought was purely, unequivocally, nothing short of awesome!
Chris Prattle has recently created everyone’s cartoon favorites “The Simpsons” in pure mark-up. That’s right, these classic characters have been created in 100% HTML and CSS.
You can learn more about Chris’s creation and process over at Creative Bloq. Unfortunately, Chris has had to pull the project from GitHub while awaiting permission to use The Simpson’s characters, so the HTML and CSS is temporarily unavailable. But don’t let that stop you from learning more about it and finding some creative inspiration!